June is Adult Sex Ed Month (twitter: #AdultSexEdMonth). The movement was started by blogger @GoodDirtyWoman on twitter. Please read more here: http://agoodwomansdirtymind.com/june-is-adultsexedmonth/
This week’s TMI Tuesday questions were inspired by Sex-Ed writer Jon Pressick and his#dailysexdiscussion that happens on twitter.
1. Have you ever investigated having an open relationship?
- Have you tried to have an open relationship?
- Have you tried to have an open relationship?
We have talked about having an open relationship, of sorts. Right now I'm looking for a girlfriend who will be my girlfriend (and not his). We're also open to probably playing with other people that we know. Our definition of open is more poly than swinging but we haven't really defined anything yet.
That said, there are definitely people we want to play with.
2. Do you have any sexual phobias?
- What have you done to manage or overcome them?
- What have you done to manage or overcome them?
Maybe? There's not a lot I'm afraid of, sexually. I do have a weird thing about eating ejaculate if not deposited directly deep in my mouth. I don't dislike the taste. It's more that... the texture creeps me out a bit. If he comes on my face and wants me to lick it, I have a very hard time. I actually gag on it.
3. What is the best new sexual activity you have tried in 2013?
Wow.... am I at a loss for how to answer this question? I think I may be! I can't think of anything distinctly new we've done in 2013... hmmm....
4. Have you ever called into a sex advice radio/television show or written to a sex advice columnist?
- Was it helpful?
- Was it helpful?
No, I prefer books and online research more.
5. Would you use the services of a sex therapist? Why or why not?
Yes, I would be open to that if I saw a need.
6. Should sex therapists be allowed to engage in actual sexual activities with clients? Why or why not?
I highly recommend watching the movie “The Sessions” based on a true story of how a sex therapist helped a disabled man live a full, rich life that included sex. Movie trailer:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1866249/
I think so. Not all therapy is done through talk therapy. Sometimes, physical touch is needed. I've often thought for sex that having interaction and working through the physical with someone knowledgeable would be a positive experience.
Bonus: Have you read any adult sex ed books lately? What do you recommend?
No, nothing lately. I actually need to add some to my collection so I can continue my learning!
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblogfrom your website!
1. I would like to interview for the position of your girlfriend. Btw...I am dominant with women ;-)
ReplyDelete2. interesting
6. good thoughts
Happy TMI Tuesday,
Yeah, I have no problem with cum if it's directly in my mouth, but have no urge to lick it off anywhere.